The Great Road Trip | #DubaiSwissRoadTrip
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.
- Helen Keller
Let’s Drive completed this Mega Trip of in 2016.
It was a challenge unlike any other challenge the group had ever dared before. A journey of epic proportions. A passion fulfilled. A traveler's dream come true. One hell of a trip!
It was the moment when we say, enough of chasing mirages. Enough of day dreaming. Let’s do the thing!
1 Car. 2 Continents. 3 Guys. 10 Countries. 22 Days. 10,000 km. Road Trip. Dubai to Zurich. And beyond.
Starting from the UAE the Let’s Drive team drove on FJ Cruiser TRD through Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic and Germany to reach Switzerland.
Friends were made enroute
Re-live the journey - read the real experience as and when it happened
[button color="black" link="http://swisstour.letsdrivegroup.com/" size="large" target="_blank" block="false"]READ THE BLOG[/button]
Route Map: Dubai – Zurich – Rotterdam
And, it did not end there. It was just the end of the beginning.
After completing the overland journey from Dubai - Zurich, the Let's Drive team completed The Grand Tour of Switzerland which followed. 1600 km of pure road trip bliss in amazing Switzerland. With a bigger team of Let’s Drive. More details here: https://www.meetup.com/LetsDrive/events/231933125/
Let’s Drive team then drive from Zurich to Rotterdam.
Journey of such epic proportion attracted unexpected media coverage internationally.
We plan to undertake more challenging trips in future. If you want to be a part of journey
Write to us:
[email protected]